Social Cliques

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Don’t force yourself to fit in where you don’t belong. This leads to many changes throughout their careers in middle schools and high schools career. Cliques in the 21st century, are similar to bullying someone because they want to fit in the group and they do not want to be excluded from the grouping of popularity people. The causes of this effect is social cliques which occur during the school year. Cliques usually happens more with girls rather than in boys in classes at school. Social cliques happened in many different societies when it evolves school or fitting in with individual groups at many places in school life. This occurs in Richland High School because children want to be in a acceptance of being allowed to be in different types of groups based on how people feel about you and everyone around you too. Sometimes, this type of grouping has benefits. This might make completing a task easier. It is also fun to be around similar people.On the other hand, this grouping can make others feel left out, and you might not realize how fun it is to be around people who are different! As a famous quote says, “ Birds of a feather flock together.’’ People who are interested in the same thing live in the same area,or have …show more content…

Social cliques happened for different reasons. According from another online web source, ‘’the way high schools are designed their size,their level of diversity and the way they treat students can either drive students to segregate’’(Thompson para 6). This confirms why social cliques happened in many schools. Groups are a hunk of our nature and can’t be terminated if they keep on advancing to occur by nature(Giang para 6). This means that you can’t get rid of social cliques and they occur in our nature based on many different

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