The Importance Of Social Conformity

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People around an individual will always try to influence them in a particular direction. They will attempt to dictate on how the individual should conduct their lives; the dictations could be direct or indirect. The direct influence is whereby one has to conduct their lives based on the set social rules and regulations. In the indirect influence, one is just expected to flow with the prevailing social norms and values of a group of a people. What follows from all the influences is called social conformity. An overwhelmed person has to change their behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs just to fit within a group. However, it is not a must for one to conform to the social expectations, but some are too weak to stand up against social conformity. Therefore, the role of social conformity is to control a person, but an individual can always resist and live as they wish. Social conformity is to give in to the pressures by one's group or associates. Many of the people can trace back and see they have at some points found themselves socially conforming. Therefore, social conformity is limited to the change and the transformation of behavior caused by other individuals. For example, a group attends a play in a theater, and when the play is over, almost all of …show more content…

They change their behavior to be accepted by the majority in the group. They want to be seen as ordinary and do away with any unique characteristics in them. They want to remain as plain as possible so as not to offend or be mocked by their associates in the group. What they forget is that, they destroy their gifts and talents when they conform; they are fall into the trap of social conformity and set themselves up to be controlled. Then they end up minimum actualizing their maximum potential. One should understand that the central role of social conformity is to control individuals, but through boldness and self-creating, one can resist

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