Social Psychology: Why Do People Do Differently?

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Chapter One It would be important to educate our campus and community about social psychology because everyone is different in society and being able to understand people better would help us understand why people act a certain way and do things differently. It also helps to learn how the mind and body works together. In Orillia or at Georgian College There are always different social groups you see where ever you go and a lot of times those social groups influence the way people act, for example people like to show off in front of there friends all the time or will go to extremes …show more content…

When a person dresses odd everyone stares at them and views them as different just because they don 't dress like the other people in the society do and understanding social psychology would help us understand why people think that is wrong by dressing a certain way and why people try to just go with the flow of things instead of trying to go their own road and take there own adventure. Why are people influenced by others? Why do people act differently? Social psychology would help us understand these things better and could help a lot of people with there future careers because every job is different and you want to fit in when you get a new job so having social psychology could help you when you get a career by being able to understand your co-workers. Social psychology would be a good class because it would help us to not only understand others better but being able to understand your-self better which would helps to interact with one …show more content…

If you have to acted a certain way to get someone to like you then that person is not actually your friend, those are the friends that would never help you when you need it. You shouldn 't have to act differently or do things you normally wouldn 't do to make friends you should be able to be yourself. When I 'm being myself normally people accept it if I don 't feel like doing something my friends are doing ill just leave and go find something else to do they don 't mind. If I don 't want to do something I 'm not going to do it just because my friends are doing it. People may think its weird that i 'm not doing what others are doing or may not want to be around me because of it, but to me it really not a big deal if your not going to like some just because they wont do things that you do then may that person should change they think because everyone is different and should conform to what their friends do. For me when I be myself around my friends we always have a great time and its better when people act normal because you don 't want people in your group of friends that act differently because those are the friend that won 't be around for a long

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