Social Changes In The 16th Century Essay

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European society drastically changed from the 14th through the 16th centuries. The Thirty Year’s War was drastically significant to reformation and it winded great majority of European Powers involved in constant warfare. In times like these, struggles were of course inevitable, thus igniting a rebellion of religious controversy that eventually led to political complications, clashes between dominating powers, along with the raised spike of conflict due to greed. Wars of religion and the clash of worldviews also ignited rapid social changes along with a just as rapid rapid population increase; these reformations convicted the changes in religion, economic conditions, and the overall disposition of the populace were the main substantial factors …show more content…

During the fourteenth century, the Renaissance was notable for its development from medieval life and values dominated by the Church toward the abstract ethics of civilization. Instead of the perception stressed by religion that emphasized preparation for the after life, the enlightened citizens of the middle class, became interested in individuals success and emphasized life in this world, rather than the afterlife in which the Catholic church emphasized. This encouraged individuals to surmount in a wide variety of grounds portraying their knowledge because of their strong beliefs in all aspects ranging from art, politics, and personal life. Renaissance thinkers were inspired by the ancient Greeks and Romans instead of medieval life because it was portrayed as undeveloped. The textbook a History in The Making discusses these changes and writes, “A new understanding of the motions of heavens and of mechanic on the earth developed among experimenters in natural philosophy, that is, what came to be called science” (484). This portrayed how the scientific revolution changed and impacted attitudes within Europe in regards to Science and knowledge. The Secularization tainted the traditional scientific method of truth and search for non religious foundations, emphasizing the new doors that had been opened for this

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