Smoking Informative Speech

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Hi kids! My name is Healthy Hannah and I’m going to talk to you about how dangerous smoking cigarettes is for your body. Smoking is when a person lights the end of a cigarette and inhales the smoke that is made from it. They inhale the smoke from the cigarette until the cigarette is burned down to the filter. When a person decides to light a cigarette, there are so many parts of their body that they are hurting. Smoking can hurt their vision which means they won’t be able to see as well as they used to. Smoking can dull their sense of smell. This means they can’t smell a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies. Smoking can dull their sense of taste, too. This means that they can’t really taste how delicious those cookies are. Smoking can stain their teeth and makes their breath smell very bad. It must be very hard to kiss a person that smokes. It …show more content…

This is the system that the body uses to breathe. A person who smokes can get lung cancer or COPD which is a disease that makes it hard to breathe normally. They can catch colds and the flu much easier than someone who doesn’t smoke. Smoking can cause heart disease. Smoking can cause problems with the person’s blood such as blood cancer or too much blood clotting. This means the person’s blood can’t flow easily through the body. Smoking can also cause problems with the blood vessels.
Smoking can cause wrinkles in the skin which makes a person look older. Cigarettes can stain a person’s fingertips. Smoking can make a person smell like cigarette smoke even where they aren’t smoking. Cigarette smoke gets into their clothing and even into their hair. Smoking doesn’t only cause health problems for the person that smokes, they can also cause health problems for the people around them. There is something called secondhand smoke and it can be very dangerous to people who don’t smoke. They can develop health problems like bronchitis as well as lung

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