Persuasive Essay On Dental Hygiene

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When you are practicing good dental hygiene, you will surely be in a much better oral health. The problem is that a lot of us neglect the proper taking care of our teeth and gum. This is when most oral diseases start and also the reason why the dental health category is a multi-million, if not a multi-billion, dollar industry.

Just think about all the expensive dental treatments and procedures and you will probably be starting to consider religiously doing proper dental oral hygiene. Even simply getting a dental crown can cost you more than $500 for the quality ones. And there are other dental procedures or treatments that any Melbourne dentists may require for a specific problem.

Just like with any health related disorder or problem, these can all be prevented if we just …show more content…

Make flossing a habit.

Floss after every meal, if possible. Flossing is a very important companion to regular brushing because it is the one procedure that really gets to clean between the teeth, removing minuscule food scraps that could have gotten stuck there. Why is it necessary? To prevent the proliferation of bacteria and plaque which in turn can cause halitosis (bad breath) and tooth decay.

3. Always eat healthy food.

Just like with any other health considerations, eating healthy food is a requirement even for a good set of teeth. The one thing that you have probably learned since childhood is to limit your sugar intake. So stay away eating too much candies, donuts, junk food, and similar food stuff if you want a healthy mouth, not just teeth.

4. Do not smoke or use tobacco.

Smoking is very bad for your health. The government keeps on saying that and they have been printing these health warnings on the cigarette packages. The problem is that many people are turning blind on these messages. When it comes to your oral health, smoking can cause bad breath and dark gum at the very least, and mouth cancer at the worst.

5. And last but not the least, visit your dentist

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