Slime Essay: The Uses Of Slime And Social Media

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Slime is fun to play with and may have useful purposes. Most people think that slime is a waste of time, but I think that it is the most perfect thing in the world. In fact, the best thing about slime is the way it relieves stress. Honestly, it is the only thing I use for stress because it is the only thing that makes all of my panicking go away. That is why I’m doing my project on which slime activator is the best.
How does slime relieve stress and anxiety? By folding, squeezing, rolling or even pulling the slime, it has been proven to relieve both stress and anxiety. By doing this you are distracting your mind, therefore it is causing you to relax. Researchers have found that since the recent outburst of slime on social media, that adults …show more content…

In the 1990’s and early 2000’s, slime had gotten more kids attention by the channel Nickelodeon. In 1970, the Mattel Company aired slime on televisions all of the world. In the year 1976, slime was proved to be instantly popular, a must-have on many a children’s Christmas list that year.
People ask why slime is made because in the background slime is a unique play material composed of a cross-linked polymer. It is classified as a liquid and is typically made by combining polyvinyl alcohol solutions with borate ions in a large mixing container. It often has an unpleasant odor, a green color, is cold and is slimy to the touch.
The world also asks “Is slime a liquid or solid.” Slime is a non-Newtonian liquid, which means that the viscosity, or resistance, of the liquid changes as you apply a stronger force. If you rest your hand on the surface of slime it will sink in, but it you smack it, the surface is solid. Water is a Newtonian liquid and has an unchanging viscosity, but I believe that it is not either.
Is slime a physical or chemical change? The slime can be stored in the plastic bags, if it is left out of the bags for a long period of time it will dry out. The chemical reaction occurring is the connecting of two molecules together in the Elmer's glue where the borate in the borax is the

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