Should Schools Have Dress Codes

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You have probably been in a situation where you want to wear your favorite outfit but you found out it’s not in dress code. Lots of schools have dress code and many people think it shouldn’t be allowed.In the article Style rules: Should schools have dress code? It says “ I believe schools should have dress codes because they may have a positive effect on students' behavior. A lot of people probably don’t agree with this and here's why.

Some of the affects on having a dress code is that students can’t show their creativity. In Style Rules: should schools have dress code it says “ Students should not be forced to follow dress codes. Dress codes stifle, or limit, creativity! Variety is the spice of life, but dressing like everyone else makes kids feel ordinary.” However this is true because you wear a uniform you won’t be able to show the creativity you have.Since everybody isn’t the same everyone wouldn’t be wearing the same thing and looking alike. They would all be dressed differently and be themselves more than just wearing the same uniform.
If students could wear bright colors or like their favorite color it would probably make them more happy. In the article style Rules should schools have dress code it say that “Allowing kids to wear what they want can improve their mood. Different styles and colors of clothing may have a big influence on kids. Sometimes, seeing a bright color can create a positive attitude. With dress codes, the drab colors might limit happiness.This shows that if people want to wear their favorite color it might make their day more

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