Should Adopted Children Be Made Up For Adoption Essay

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Should adopted children be given the choice of contacting their biological parents?
Adoption is wonderful for both the child and the adoptive parents. It can break many hearts though for those who gave up their child to adoption. There are many reasons why a child is put up for adoption. The child’s biological parents may be deceased, the bio parents may be teenagers or may be a much older couple and cannot fathom taking on a child at their age. The child’s bio parents may be on drugs and are unable to care for themselves properly let alone a child so they were either forced by the state to release their rights of the child or did it on their own. In some cases, the child might have a disability that the bio parents just do not feel they can handle or want to handle so they put the child up for adoption. Children are put up for adoption for many reasons every day from all over the world. …show more content…

Doctor’s offices give forms to fill out all the time that involve the family history. What do you do if you don’t know your family history? You just hope that there is a clean medical history. So they are raising a child that they have no medical history on and in some cases may need.
During a child’s life, questions are going to come up to their adoptive parents wanting to know about their “Real” parents, meaning their biological parents. Even though a child has been shown so much love and blessed with great adoptive parents, some children still want answers. They want to understand if they did something wrong to be given up. As they get older, they just want to see if they can find them to meet them and see if they look like their bio parents. Some children are just content and happy to have their adoptive parents and could care less about their bio

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