Persuasive Essay On Foster Children

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Foster Children who are emancipated out of foster care are in danger of becoming homeless because Foster Homes are allowing many unfit parents to adopt, they are emancipated before they can find a job that can support them, and they are not being taught the skills to avoid homelessness. It is hard to define the motives of someone who wants to adopt a child from foster care since it is truly hard to fully understand the intentions of anyone. When people come into the foster home, the people who work at these homes want to believe that the future parents looking to adopt these children would provide them a loving place to stay and that the sole purpose for their adoption is to provide a better home for the child. Sadly, this is not always …show more content…

The credit is nonrefundable, which means it is limited to your tax liability for the year. However, any credit in excess of your tax liability may be carried forward for up to five years. The maximum amount (dollar limit) for 2015 is $13,400 per child” (IRSGOV). If the person who adopts the child is able to make the claim, they could earn up to $13,400 for every child they adopt. For example, in the state of Maryland, the maximum number a household could adopt is six children according to Adoption Makes a Family. There is a criterion in order to be able to adopt that many numbers of children, but if a household was able to, they could make the claim for their six children and if eligible, receive $80,400. This is a very promising sum amount of money for anyone who either struggles with finances or not and sometimes, when money becomes a hindering factor, adopting children in order to receive money from the government seems appropriate, and because of that, the children who are adopted out of that reason are neglected. The wrong motives for adopting a child sets up a person to be an unfit parent to adopt, but in …show more content…

As stated before, because of all the hardships they go through on living this lifestyle, they use these negative behaviors to cope. In the article, it states that “Some also have ‘‘unsuccessful’’ exits from care including running away from placement, incarceration, and psychiatric hospital placement.” They run away from these places because they do not help them. These places just act as a reminder of the thoughts of themselves being the ones who have the problem. Placement, incarceration, and a psychiatric hospital will not help a foster child think differently and behave differently. They’ve already lived this lifestyle and they cannot change it, so instead of trying to restrain them and trying to fix them, they just need a different outlet or another way to cope instead of the negative ways they have grown accustomed to. To prepare them for the real world, they should instead send them to a rehabilitation center as opposed to a psychiatric hospital. The definition of rehabilitation according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is to bring something back to normal. A psychiatric hospital treats mental illness and that’s what these foster kids do not have. They simply do not understand the lifestyle that most people have the luxury

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