Short Story: A Night At The Motel Bedroom

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You sat on the edge of the motel bed with your feet swinging back and forth, you were still too short for your feet to reach the ground. You had spent the last hour thinking about what your teacher had said earlier in class. “Tomorrow is our class Halloween costume party, so bring your costumes to school and after lunch we’ll all change and walk in the schools parade.”

You didn’t have a costume, you’ve never had a costume. You remember sam had one once, you were only five than so you couldn’t remember how he got it but you remember it looking like a scarecrow. Until this year you’ve never needed one, dad always made you stay in on halloween night so Dean would just buy candy and you and your brothers would eat candy and look out the window and try and figure out which costume was the most popular for that year. But now, you needed one, you couldn’t be the only kid in your class without one, how could you be in the costume parade without having a costume.

You sat there thinking about what you could possibly throw together in one night with the things from the motel room, but you couldn’t think of anything. As you were getting to ready to jump out of bed deciding you just weren't going to go to school tomorrow your dad walked in, and instantly noticed your sad demeanor.

“Hey princess, what’s the matter?” he spoke …show more content…

After it was centered he reached into his bag and pulled out a pocket knife and started to cut the bottom so it hung just above your ankles. Once it was the proper length he cut two long slits up the sides for your arms. All that was left was the face, but he knew better than to cut out the eyes and mouth while you were still in it, so he marked the area where your eyes and mouth were with a black pen, pulled you out and made the final touches before sliding it back over your

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