The Role Of Father In The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time

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In The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the character father is the most influential character to Christopher because he is protective and secretive which leads to Christopher becoming much more independent. In the story father was very protective of Christopher and didn't want him to ever get hurt, but they way father was protecting him was hiding the truth which damaged their relationship helping Christopher through his journey of becoming more independent.When Christopher first started trying to solve Wellington's murder father did not approve and wanted Christopher to stop poking around in the situation and writing about it. Father exclaimed "Promise me you will stop doing these things. Promise that you will give …show more content…

Father said "Christopher, look... Things can't go on like this. I don't know about you, but this... this just hurts to much. You being in the house but refusing to talk to me... You have to learn to trust me... And I don't care how long it takes... If it's one minute one day and two minutes the next and three minutes the next and it takes years I don't care. because this is important. This is more important than anything else." (p. 218) Father wants to have Christopher back in his life and is doing about everything he can, he wants to be there to protect Christopher and just be viewed by his son the way he used to be. Father is trying to protect Christopher because he loves and cares for him and he's even giving Christopher the choice of however long he needs to take to try to forgive him, father is even letting him be more …show more content…

In the book, the first time Christopher finds out one of father's big lies was when he found out mother had been sending him letters and she using dead, and father was shocked when he saw Christopher looking at them. Father said "I did it for your good Christopher. Honestly I did. I never meant to lie. I just thought... I just thought it would be better if you didn't know... that... that... I didn't mean to... I was going to show them to you when you were older" (p. 114) This is important because this is unbelievable news Christopher would have never seen coming, because maybe if he didn't find the letters he would have never found out. This is important because this is unbelievable news Christopher would have never seen coming, because maybe if he didn't find the letters he would have never found out. This is a big change in Christopher's life that will impact him because now he knows his father's been lying to him which makes Christopher less dependent on father. This that he can't trust father

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