Creative Writing: Am I In Jail By Stephen King

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I woke up in a tiny, unfamiliar bed to the sound of either a gunshot or an engine backfiring. I rolled out of bed onto a cold, artificial feeling floor and squinted as the sun glinted off of the steel bars covering the room’s single window. I put on a fresh set of clothes that someone had hastily folded and dropped on the floor. I took one last look at the window, catching a glimpse of skyscrapers in the distance, and headed out of this new room. Then I stubbed my toe on a stove. The pain immediately cleared the early morning haze in my brain. I definitely wasn't in my own house, I don’t live in a city, have bars over my windows, and my bedroom certainly doesn't open directly into the kitchen. I thought to myself “Am I in jail?” I mentally …show more content…

King warns that “Thin description leaves the reader feeling bewildered and nearsighted. Overdescrption buries his or her in details and images.”(174) I tried to follow King’s advice on setting the scene by giving the reader little clues to paint a picture in their heads. I didn’t describe every little detail outright but I think that I gave the bedroom enough description so the reader can accurately “see” what I’m trying to convey. Perhaps I was a little more heavy handed when describing the main character but for the sake of space I decided to show the main character as a spoiled, rich kid as efficiently as possible. The main character in the story is very similar to me in many ways. We both grew up in a “bubble” where we don’t have to worry about when our next meal is going to be or if we can pay the power bill this month. I’m also a logical thinker, and I tend to overthink things and overlook the obvious answer. I am also a self-proclaimed “media consumption expert.” This prestigious title means that I read a lot and watch a lot of Netflix. However, unlike the character in this story, I am able to function independently without getting myself maimed or killed. I’m also not a trust fund baby and I recognize the merit of stairs. I tried to write a satirical story that shows an exaggeration of both my ambition and my

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