Sheldon Plankton Case Study

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Sheldon J. Plankton, the villain of Mr. Krabs. Plankton has wondered what was in the Krabby Patty formula his whole life! Therefore, he has planned several schemes to take the formula away. In a glass bottle holds a paper of all this life's wonders. How does he snatch the formula and keep it for good? Does he ever keep the formula? Plankton has once given up on snatching the formula, so he made a restraunt called "The Chum Bucket". Plankton poisoned everyone that ate his food, yet forced people to keep eating at his restraunt. Meanwhile his business slowed down, he decided it was time to take action and steal the formula once again! Plankton and his wife, Karrin, created a contraption in the Chum Bucket hats they had made for the customers. The hats were made to fall and cover the customer's face and mind control them through what Plankton tells them to do. As Plankton brainwashes all his customers, he tells them to get the formula. Spongebob saves the day and releases the customers from the mind play. Plankton's business gets shut down, so he tries something else once again. Another scheme Plankton uses is a robot Mr. Krabs. From offering …show more content…

Plankton makes the Krusty Krab be an open restraunt for 24/7. Plankton orders 10,000 Krabby Patties to exhaust Spongebob to brain wash him with an imposterous therapy session. Plankton forces the Krusty Krab to be open 24/7 because Plankton had kept his restraunt open 24/7. Krabs is always trying to one up Plankton, typical Krabs. As Spongebob gets worked to near death, Plankton sent Krabs a flier of a therapy session for Spongebob. Mr. Krabs didn't like to see Spongebob sloppy working so he had him take the session. Planton asks for Spongebob to say things that remind him of a word he said. For example Plankton says "potato" and Spongebob repeats with "tomato". Plankton gets frusterated and sends him out but Spongebob claimes he feels all better thanks to the

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