Sexual Issues Affecting Couples

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Sexual Issues Affecting a Couple Sex is a central part of most intimate relationships, being physical, psychological, and interpersonal on different levels. There tends to be a two way interaction between sex and a relationship where the sexual aspect affects the relationship, or the relationship is affecting sex. Accepting sexuality in a healthy way and being able to relate to one’s sexual partner are important to the intimate relationship as a whole. When one partner is experiencing a sexual issue or dysfunction, being able to understand this change will be important in order to maintain a healthy relationship (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). This application assignment a sexual issues, how it impacts a relationship, and how natural cycles of a sexual relationship interacts with these effects. One Sexual Issue or Dysfunction One sexual issue that may affect relationships is a lack of sexual arousal. Hypoactive sexual desire is a common complaint of many couples. It is when there is a lack of desire or absence of sexual fantasies; where one person is rarely in the mood for sex by …show more content…

Having a lack or loss of motivation for sexual activity which can sometimes be due to the difference in sexual desires or assumptions of sexual equivalency. This lack of sexual arousal may require couple’s to seek out therapy as a means of focusing directly the enhancement of their sexual activity. Whereas, many couples may need to focus on their sexual relationship itself, by educating and practicing healthy devoted sexual activities. The emotional satisfaction and experience of a sexual relationship can add to this dysfunction and sexuality can contribute to the sexual issue of lack of arousal, where a couple is positioned in this life cycle stage. Sexuality is not only based on physical factors but also on developmental, cultural, psychological, and relational (Wetchler & Hecker,

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