Sam Houston Essay

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Students can learn a lot of information about an event from reading an informational text or biography about a person who lived during that time. An example of a book that I read was, What’s so Great About…? Davy Crockett. It is a great introduction on reading books about famous historical figures, so this book is ideal for elementary students. The book provides ample amount of background information on David Crockett. Some students may know who he is because his name is famous and there are many tall tales about him, but other may not know, so it is good to introduce the person first while teach in class then let the students read. The book starts off by giving the basic information about Crockett such as where he came from and how life was …show more content…

Houston is one of the most famous historical figures in Texas history. Many students will have some knowledge regarding Sam Houston since majority of the people in Texas know what Houston is mostly known for. The book, Great Americans: Sam Houston, is an informational book that provides the background information and how he was considered a great American. This book is great for elementary school readers since it provides concise information about him in an easy to understand way. The book mostly goes over Houston’s life and accomplishments prior to him becoming the General that lead the Texas army. It is only pages 13 to 21 where to book mentions his involvement in the Texas Revolution and accomplishments in Texas. When it does talk about the Texas Revolution, it only mentions his involvement in the battle of San Jacinto (arguably his most important battle) where his small army faced off against the large Mexican army and the won in an instant. To me, I think the book could have provided more background information about Houston during the Texas Revolution because he was also a part of other important battles, but since this book is an introduction to Sam Houston it just provides what is most important about him. The book also does a great job on providing information on Houston serving as the president of the Republic of Texas. Student’s will get the necessary information they need to know about Sam

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