The Texas Revolution

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The Texas Revolution

Although most people have probably heard of the Battle of the Alamo, most may not know that it was part of a much larger conflict, the Texas Revolution. From personal high school experience I can say that not many people know much about this revolution or what caused it. This revolution is a very important part of American history. The Texas revolution was a military conflict between Texas and Mexico that started on October 2, 1835 and lasted until April 21, 1836. Sometimes also known as the Texas War of Independence, this conflict not only led to the establishment of the Republic of Texas but also started several other conflicts that eventually began the Mexican American War.

As far as the cause of the Texas Revolution goes it was mainly governmental differences. A lot of Texans at the time did not like the new way of governing that gave most of the power to the Mexican government. One of the main issues here was that the southerners who moved to Mexican Texas wanted several small governments instead of one large government. While many Mexican emigrants agreed with this there where also a lot that thought that the only way to maintain control would be through one central government. But the conflicts did not just stop at government.

One of the major issues that led to this conflict was racism. When American settlers where allowed to emigrate into Texas both they and Mexican colonies felt that their ethnicity was superior. But the conflict started when the Mexican government tried to take action which the settlers of Texas where angered by. Of course racism was not just between the Texans and the Mexicans. At the time of the revolution slavery was still legal so any person moving from the southern states...

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...rnment was not able to send any reinforcements to San Antonio so the remaining Texan forces retreated as well.

So to sum things up, the state of Texas that we know today may be very different if the revolution had either not happened of had ended differently. Many people lost their lives during this revolution, both on the Texan side as well as the Mexican. This revolution shows us that just small things like cultural, governmental, and racial differences can build up and lead to many battles and loss of lives. A lot of people have heard about the battle of the Alamo, but there where many more like the battle of Gonzales that many people are not as knowledgeable of. Knowing American history is very important for the future generations and even though the Texas revolution may not be as large scale as the American revolution, it is still important to know about it.

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