Rough Draft Short Story

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I can remember the feeling. I could hear my heart beating strongly through the sounds of different melodies mashing together like a beautiful accident. The sound of saws coming from the engineering room lulled, a constant sound against an intermittent feeling. It felt like an impending doom, and it was coming up fast. This was my first ever audition. One that i would look back on before every audition It was after school. I had been dreading this moment since the moment i truly realized what was coming. The dread plagued my thoughts like a disease, and anxiety rushed through me like a surge of electricity and took charge like the light takes over the room. Focusing in class was a near impossible task, guess we’ll never know what we learned in math class that day. I would talk …show more content…

And you're not scared at all?” ‘Nope” he replied, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal. It didn't make sense to me. How is he so calm? His calmness was shocking to me and made me wonder if worrying was really worth it. Was everybody as nervous as i am? It must be because other people have their piece down better. I'll never make it. It was my first year playing bass, and i was far from confident on it. I had taken lessons for about 10 months at the time, which had helped significantly, but i feared that my inexperience would be my downfall. I wanted to make it so badly. I had been in the lawrence jazz band and I loved it. I loved the freedom of the music and how you could interpret it. I loved how it would stray from the melody but then come back together. It was amazing. And this would be my chance to continue. We were sent to warm up in a room adjacent to the engineering room. The sawdust seemed to creep into the room like winter snow creeps up on the fall. The dust made breathing into a problematic task. The clashing sounds was busying my mind as to drown out my thoughts, and in this moment, that was

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