Giving My Life to God

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Giving My Life to God

It wasn’t a specific day or date that I can remember, but more or less a time period that I spent a majority of my time “thinking my life out”. It was during my freshman year of college, I was going through a major transition. Moving away from home, not just to school, but across the entire country from Virginia to California. I was facing the reality that actions I took then could drastically impact the rest of my life. I spent a lot of time trying to picture my future, trying to figure out what was going to happen to me in the future. Where was I going to be? What was I going to be doing? Was I going to end up marrying my boyfriend, Matt? Would I be happy? Was I going to be a Mother? Would I be successful? I wanted to know it all. I tried to evaluate everything, like my reasons for coming out to USF, was ROTC right for me, could I do it? There were weeks when I questioned everything I did. I rethought all aspects of every dimension of my life. I contemplated each of my decisions that could possible determine things in my life’s path. I was looking for the meaning for everything I did everything, I chose and the reason why God had put me where I was. I got very agitated with myself and frustrated because deep down I knew that God was in charge of what was to happen to me. I knew that He would take care of me, and He would put me where He wanted me to be. In all honesty, I believe this was when I realized that it was time to allow God to take over, no more of this “questioning” my destiny or meaning of my life. I allowed God to take over, completely and I handed him back his job- my future and my life. I would have to say that at this same time I was also going through a stage of unpredictability and in...

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...ought it was normal.

II. They were unhappy. They still fought. They were angry a lot. Life was full of stress and tension in our home. I could recognize it now, I could see that it was not normal.

III. They were unhappy. They didn’t fight much. There was a lot of silence. Life was full of stress, sadness and tension in our home. Then he went, and she cried all the time. We were quiet, we didn’t know what to do or what to say.

IV. They were still unhappy. They fought a lot, about small, unimportant things. Life was full of name-calling, bad-mouthing and picking sides. We were sad and angry.

V. They will always be unhappy because they won’t ever stop fighting, over stupid things. Life is full of choices and decisions. Life is a big lesson. I am happy, I do not fight over silly things. Life is too short to waste time being unhappy and hurting myself and others.

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