Narrative Essay About Grief

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All of my life, until I was eighteen years old, I didn’t understand the concept of grieving. Grief just hasn’t been something I’ve ever had to experience before. Because of my lack of experience I had no understanding of what grieving felt like. All of his changed for me on July 29th. It was July 22nd when I got the phone call that my great grandma was in the hospital. It was so shocking to me I didn’t even know what to think I had just been up there to see her two days ago prior to then. My dad had called me and told me in a calm but of course I know my dad to well to know that he was calm but actually pretty scared and frantic. I was at work and a perk to my job is that I work at a family owned business that is actually close to my family. …show more content…

I know she heard us but she never opened her eyes again until that last moment, she opened her eyes one last night and my grandma told my great grandma “it’s okay mama go ahead daddy’s waiting for you I love you” that was when she took her last breath. It was July 29th around 3am when my dad came in my room and told me “Haley I’m going to the hospital grandma is gone.” At first I just said okay I was in a dead sleep so I didn’t comprehend it in that exact moment. A few minutes later I got out of bed I heard my brother pull in the drive way he left work early to come home and he and I sat and looked though pictures together shedding tears and laughing and asking each other if we remembered this. We all went up my great grandma’s house where all the family gathered about an hour and a half later. Even then I was fine it wasn’t until my grandma walked in the door which is my great grandmas daughter as soon as she did she just sat in my great grandmas’ chair and stated sobbing and that’s when it hit me that she was really gone this wasn’t just some dream it was real. I could taste salt from my tears running down my face into my mouth. After that it was all a complete …show more content…

The day that changed my life. It was 7am that morning I woke up and got my black dress on with white lace at the top. I waited for my dad and brother to get ready as I waited I sat and thought to myself “how am I going to get through this today?” I never did find an answer to that question and I probably never will. I walked into the funeral home that morning, and with my family we entered the room this was the very last time I will ever get to see my grandma. She laid there as I stood there looking at her, granddaughter to grandma. She looked completely like herself mostly other than the makeup which wasn’t her at all. My grandma was apostolic which if you knew my grandma you would know she never wore make up. Not in her entire life all 94 years of it. But it was kind of relieving to see her look so peaceful she looked like herself in her handmade rose colored blouse and

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