Rite Of Passage

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Have you experienced a rite of passage without even knowing it? Rite of passage is a ritual that signifies the transition from childhood to adulthood. Everyone undergoes a rite of passage whether they are aware of it or not. A time when I experienced a rite of passage was in the tail end of my eighth grade year. My class had endeavoured to complete a canoe trip down freshwater slew. The morning mist clung to the schoolyard, despite the nearing warmth of summer. It was May 2015, I was thirteen; eagerly emerging from my pretween years and starting to look more like the teen my age now classified me as. We, my classmates and I, ventured down the path at the side of the school. The day of the trip had come, we’d been preparing for days, and we’d anticipated it far longer than that. Some students were nearly bouncing in excitement, while others dragged their feet as if they were wearing twelve ton shoes. I understood their reluctance, as well as others’ excitement. I found myself torn. On one hand, the journey through the slew, to the bay was sure to be exciting, to say the least, and I loved the water. However, while I was sure of my physical capabilities, I’d never been on a canoe ride as long as the one we would soon begin, and I certainly hadn’t carried a canoe for the mile we were expected to trek. …show more content…

Each canoe would carry two people. A partner and I would be expected to work as a team. Now, I had no problem with teamwork, so long as I liked my partner, which, to be honest, narrowed the field of prospects considerably. However, I was determined to make the best of whichever match I procured. So when my name was called, I tried not to groan with frustration at my “canoe buddy”. She was a girl I was friendly with, but I held a certain disdain for her. Recalling my earlier promise, I smiled and walked beside her as we made our way to where the canoes awaited

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