Free College Admissions Essays: Sailing

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Sailing         "People either love it, or they hate it," Fred proclaimed again, for the umpteenth time.  His reddish face almost glowed against the gray sky.  The combination of giddy grin, round cheeks, and fine, yellow, tousled hair yielded a face far too boyish for a man in his mid-fifties. But the always-present twinkle in Fred's eye was ever so slightly diminished today, and I knew why: he feared that his intuition might be mistaken and that I might not, after all, take to today's activity.  His concern was compounded by weather; it was far from ideal for this, my first sail.  Why was it so important to him that I like sailing anyway?         …show more content…

        I didn't get it.  Sailing sounded slow-too boring for zest, jovial, mischievous Fred-and certainly too tedious for me.  Knowing that Fred could read my face as easily as I could read his, I tried to change the subject.  "Nancy and I are going to rent a cabin at the lake on our anniversary in February.  You and Louise should come up and have dinner with us one night."  I didn't know he would bring the boat. …show more content…

For people inclined to make their way, sailing is very much like life.  It's a lot like Fred, and to my surprise, a little bit like

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