Research Paper On Hazing In Nic

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Hazing in the NIC
Hazing is a very dangerous form of bullying. The hazing of a person is usually the rituals and other activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group. Most forms of hazing could have been a bonding or a trial process that was taken too far. The intention towards hazing is to make it a team building activity or bring some unity within a group. The reality of hazing is not a unified team building action. Fraternities that are in the North-American Interfraternity Conference or NIC and those that are not can be at risk for this term called hazing. The NIC is a group of collegiate men who run their own states fraternities and its members. This organization, although extensive and careful in their profession, may overlook the fact that hazing is an actuality and is a reoccurring theme in fraternities everywhere. The problem with the majority of hazing groups is the idea of hazing is used as a scapegoat for intentional bullying or torture. Although hazing may start out to be positive and promoting unity, it can easily cross the line to become bullying or threatening. If teens can be taught that all forms of hazing are terrible attempts to create unity now, then they will know that hazing can be especially dangerous and counterproductive to promoting unity within a group when it comes time to go to college.
Hazing is and was a practice used by many organizations such as Fraternities, Sororities, Sports Teams, and the Military. Although these have all been using hazing to promote unity and togetherness, they are in fact conducting an extreme strain upon those who engage in it. Those who haze or bully have personalities that are authoritarian, combined w...

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...s on college campuses (Fraternity). Hazing in High School could be very damaging to a child’s health. When hazing happens early on more and more effects are left behind afterwards which disturbs most.

Undergoing the hazing process should never be a last resort, or an option. The effects from hazing are similar to that of bullying. Leaving someone questioning the choices they’ve made and the life they have lived is often what happens. In the case of willing participation in hazing, people put themselves through pointless trials in order to fulfill the amusement of someone else. There could be a team building process in this which can bring people together, but at what cost? The answer to this question is that there is no cause it is just for the satisfaction of others. There are many things that are harmless in building a bond, hazing is not one of them.

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