Nurse Incivility Research Paper

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Nurse Incivility: Nurse-to-Nurse Incivility and How It Impacts Performance Ibrahim Yusuf Chamberlain College of Nursing NR- 449: Evidence-Based Practice Professor Brandy Ebert November 2017 Incivility in Nursing Clinical Question The quantitative and qualitative clinical question guiding this research is: what are the causative factors (etiology) of hostility in nursing and what are some possible ways (therapy) to rectify this quandary in the world of nursing? Problem The paper will address the problem of nurse hostility toward each other. It will address the etiology of the problem, and suggest some possible solutions or therapy to the problem. It will be discovered if truly preventive programs such as violence-prevention programs …show more content…

Having worked individually for two papers so far, I think we should all be able to have access to each other’s articles – so we are able to know which ones to pick for the final group presentation. Given our PICOT and clinical questions, my two questions that I think would help guide our group work would be: 1., What specific violence-preventios program would help curb nurse incivility? 2., Having known the causative factors (etiology) and solutions (therapy) of nurse incivility, what are the ways to promote it, in ensuring that the suggested solutions are strictly adhered to? Conclusion The purpose statement from my articles ( Arnetz et al., Berry at al., and Khadjehturian,) all helped to comprehensively answer both my PICOT and Clinical questions. References Berry, P. A., Gillespie, G. L., Gates, D., & Schafer, J. (2012). Novice Nurse Productivity Following Workplace Bullying. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 44(1), 80-87. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2011.01436.x Khadjehturian, R. E. (2012). Stopping the Culture of Workplace Incivility in Nursing. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing, 16(6), 638-639. doi:10.1188/12.CJON.638-639 Arnetz, J. E., Hamblin, L., Ager, J., Aranyos, D., Essenmacher, L., Upfal, M. J., & Luborsky, M. (2015). Using database reports to reduce workplace violence: Perceptions of hospital stakeholders. Work, 51(1), 51-59.

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