Religion and the Workplace

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Religion and the Workplace

I have read many articles from outsiders reporting on the Muslim faith. But I have never read an article more incorrect and damaging than the piece done by Robert Holstrom "Muslims or Demons". Robert Holstroms' article details the belittlement and atrocities afflicted towards Islamic women by Muslims. Mr. Holstroms' presents followers of the Islamic religion as militant drug dealers and mercenaries, which perpetrate their ideas while using false Islam, foreign money, and opium to get their way.

Sure, I have been to Forty-second Street in Manhattan and have seen and heard pseudo Muslims screaming at the top of their lungs hate against whites and women. I do not even have to visit New York to view such displays. I have listened to countless arguments between these same so called Muslims at the square in downtown Stamford. I am fortunate enough to know that these views are not taught from the Koran or are they teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

The article is actually speaking of a small band of pseudo Muslims called the Taliban. The story of the Taliban is complicated, and just like every other story, there are two sides to it. When the members of the Taliban first revealed themselves, they gave the world the impression that they had come to rid Afghanistan of its problems. At first, even the government of today, recognized the Taliban as a legitimate Afghan force that wanted to rid corruption and disorder. However, as time passed, the true nature of the Taliban was revealed. Soon the Taliban became known as a militia that used a mixture of Kalashnikovs, false Islam, foreign money, and opium to get its way.

Members of the Taliban claim that they are students of Islam, and that a...

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...bans'. The type of submissive women suggested in your article equates to nothing more than domestic violence, which is as common in America as it is in Afgahnistan, so can we blame Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism for these acts of violence towards women. Sure the Talibanns' take their beliefs to the extreme but as I mentioned before they are in no way connected to the true Islamic faith. I feel that if weed out the negative aspects attributed to any religion and focus on the positive each person would realize the end result is a closer relationship with God. If I were to go through time and bring about the negative history of Christianity what purpose would it serve? I feel that focusing our attentions on loving one another instead of providing misleading information will help to create an environment of harmony between each culture or religious background.

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