Regarding Henry Analysis

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Throughout the movie “Regarding Henry”, the character demonstrates a psychological battle between the id and superego. Before Henry got shot, he was a hard-headed, successful lawyer continuing in the family firm. He experiences differences in his personality after nearly dying from a shot to the brain. While Henry begins to learn every aspect of life again, he transitions from his old characteristics to his new out look at the world. Henry’s old traits suggest selfishness and ruthlessness which seem to embed themselves in his id scenes post injury. Once he leaves the hospital, he wants to explore this new world he is not used to. He walks up to a window and purchases a puppy he wants. He exemplifies the id here because he impulsively gets something he yearns for. When his daughter Rachel tells him she leaves for school soon, Henry’s immediate reaction is to beg for her to stay. Displaying the id, he chooses his feelings over Rachel’s; he later takes her out of the school because he wishes to be a family again. His immaturity and selfish needs reflect his new and former …show more content…

His personality played into his crass approach towards his cases. Before the injury, he corroborated a case using twisted evidence claiming the patient never discussed his diabetes. He makes his wrong right by using his superego to give the family of the patient the nurse reports supporting that he did tell them he had diabetes. Prior to his memory loss, Henry cheated on his wife with his co-worker Linda. He shows signs of remembrance but ignores them for his own reasons. Linda and Henry meet at the Ritz Carlton to discuss their past, but Henry avoids Linda’s statements signaling a new beginning for his family. The moral decency Henry indicates by thinking of his family before his own past represents the superego. Henry proves his moral values through fixing the broken parts of his past

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