Reflective Essay On Motivation

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I know that I can do and have done all of this, but I choose to minimize what I do in terms of motivation. In a few of my college courses, I’ve had professors say, “Take a look around you that is your competition.” They are referring to the job market and who will be out there looking for the same jobs and making similar career choices as I would be. There is no motivation for me to motivate someone else who could potentially apply and get job that I want. If motivating was part of my job description and necessary for my career, then I would be motivated to do the best job. Employees are going to live up to or live down to expectations and you can bet that my expectations will always be high. What my supervisors say was my outlook in life, positivity is key. If I am willing to encourage my …show more content…

The last Friday of each month I will be in charge of providing a recognition email. I want to develop it in my department first and hope to implement it throughout the company after a year. The recognition program would have me collect some of the best efforts that were made, great impressions that were left and overall praise of different employees. I would collect the different stories or just the shout outs for someone for providing positivity in the work place and compile them into a department wide email, at first. For example, I could give recognition to everyone in accounts payable for a fantastic job on converting the direct deposit information from one company to another and working so hard. That information would go in an email sent to everyone in the department so that we can be appreciating of our staff. It could also be done for an individual or for an experience someone might have had or even accomplishments of some sort outside of the workplace it pertains to the company. A simple acknowledgement can have a lot of

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