Geoffrey Colvin Motivation

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Mahammad Maharramov Writing and Information Literacy 1 Section E Argumentative Essay 05.10.2014
Geoffrey Colvin wrote, “The critical reality …show more content…

It is believed by most people that if someone is successful in his own field it means he is talented. But they do not think that it can be manifestation of their hard work and practice and people do not acquire a natural gift for some certain jobs. There is no proper comprehension of high-level performance without these components. But these ingredients of reaching success are not too straightforward to do. One needs to know why hard work is required, why he needs to care about practice. Before answering these questions one should have motivation and also needs to set goals. Motivation is something that encourages people to reach high level. To understand what motivates us, we need to understand what is crucial for us. People’s goals grow from their values and beliefs such as family, grade, school/learning and etc. These things motivate us to reach greatness. People should understand that greatness is not handed to anyone and therefore to succeed they should manage to practice all the time and keep in mind the things which motivate them most. On the other hand setting goals and lighting fire under themselves or as most people say to have deadline are essential aspects of motivation. Because when people have deadline they try to finish their work before it and this …show more content…

Most people still argue about that hypothesis. A number of empirical studies have found that those who think someone can be a “born winner” are those who couldn’t succeed on the way which that winner could. People who are not self-confident have one motto: no one can be successful without an innate ability. They think that prominent persons of 21st century as Tiger Woods, Mesut Ozil or Michael Jordan and etc. were born with an innate talent. Thus they anticipate that these well-known persons succeed from their first steps. But researches show the opposite such that Michael Jordan- the most famous basketball player ever, had have been cut from his high school basketball team. Mesut Ozil-a man who wrote his name to world’s best players list, was rejected by Turkish Galatasaray football team when he was a child. Now these two famous persons differ from other sportsmen with their brutal discipline. They didn’t stop practicing and working hard. In accordance with their words occasional practice doesn’t work, therefore consistency is crucial. So, what about Tiger Woods? It is known that he was US youngest winner of Amateur Championship. Some may argue that he had natural aptitude, that’s why he reached the top at very early age like 18. Dozens of studies have found an antithesis of natural aptitude myth. They discovered that it is manifestation of his hard work, practice and also with help of educator he reached the

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