Reflection In My Daily Life

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I really enjoyed this class and how it was set up. One thing that I would do differently was make sure and work more with my book group and also when we did the movie jigsaw to ask others that were watching the movie to watch it with me to get their incident as well. I wished that I also had gotten to know more of the people in the class earlier on to form relationships with people that have similar interests as me. Thought out my life have learned many important lessons. This just year I learned that “the golden rule” or treat others as you want to be treated is not always accurate. Instead we should treat others how they want to be treated. By applying this lesson in my daily life I observe how others act and react to the world around them and intern treating them how they wan to be treated. I can use this in my classroom when it comes to my students because, although you are still anchorage, every child is different and deserves to be treated in a respectful manner in their eyes. Another lesson I have learned is that grades can not define you. Yes, it is good to struve to achieve good grades in school, but my good friend reminded me that I will not remember if I got a B+ or on A- in a certain course years down the road. Applying this in my classroom later in life will show the children to …show more content…

I feel that theses lessons will help me in my classes when I want to let others say their opinion in a group and also in my classroom later in life when I am a teacher because it will remind me to let the students work in groups to share ideas and also they will help when I am explaining things to my

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