Pros vs. Cons: E-Books vs. Print Books

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This project examines the pros and cons of E-books and print books and whether or not one is better than the other, or the other way around, which includes many topics of which is better for education or free reading. The point is not trying to prove that one should be gotten rid of, but for the point of which has been proven to be more effective in such areas. Over the course of this paper, I will discuss multiple pros and cons of print books vs. E-books, and while I take the side of print books, one should make their own decision on the topic.
The purpose of E-books are supposed to be a better/more electronic sort of book, that allows one to have thousands of books at their fingertips, with some for a cost and others for free. They are also to be able to be used in the dark while not disturbing others that are sleeping. There are some arguments that these E-books have the same effect as other electronics in the fact that they cause one to stay up later, such as the cases with computers, video games, and other such devices. Tests regarding the use of E-books in education have been done in school environments, with varying results and opinions. Some believed that this was a more effective way to teach children how to read, as well as other such skills that are taught, while others voiced the concern that the devices that the E-books are read on, such as Kindles and other such devices, would distract them from what was really trying to be taught by means such as apps. The problem that the devices also run on battery power also give to the fact that one cannot leave them on, and just leave them, as either they would have to plug it in and waste money, or turn of the device till they get a chance to recharge the device once its batte...

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...eeing as one only have to go either online or to a store to find another copy of the book, and purchase it, or just go to the library and borrow a copy of the book to finish it if one simply got it to read it.

In conclusion, I have the opinion that print books are still the better option for today, due to the reasons that the technology within the E-books is still too far into development. With this in mind, I also have to say that there is the possibility that E-books will get their own time to shine some time in the future. Print books are the best option for me because I like the feel, the smell, and the nostalgia of having a physical book in my hands. Feeling the rough paper, the smell of the paper, all of these are pros for me, though one of the few cons for print books is that they can be damaged easily, so you must be careful with them.

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