How Have Books Changed Over Time

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Books are meant to be read. Not so long time ago, everyone relies on books to gain knowledge and education. But in this era wherein everything are made digital, it is an interesting sight to see that people hold books more often than electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets with e-books.
A book mostly ends up untouched and gathering dust after being used. That is why this paper treasure is now popularly used for giving life on your humble abode.
Books can be as stylish as a wall art or a vintage clock. It isn’t the latest trend but definitely it is a classic way of doing decorations at home. When done carefully, books can create a significant statement on your space.
When we think of books, the institution that it pertains to will always be the library. A tried and tested way of organizing your printed collection is to place it neatly on a cabinet in a systematic library style. This is a hard to beat classic style whether in a room solely dedicated for it or in a certain area where everyone who walks in will be impressed. …show more content…

To achieve a more homey style, you can stack up your books in a beautifully chaotic manner. Rather than arranging them in a library style, layer the books in different angles and textures. This brushes off the intimidating effect of piled up books thus creating a casual and realistic vibe.
A piece of book in itself attracts appeal to the one who embraces it moreover unto a space it occupies. You may put your favorite book or some of notable books ideal for quality reading on top of your coffee table. Books have been a staple in living room centerpieces which has also given birth to the chic term coffee table

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