Pros And Cons Of Going To College

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Ever thought about the decision to go to college? How stressful or easy was thinking about it? College has many pros and cons about going to it. I believe that going to college to get an education is worth it because you can earn more money with more ability to attain a better job and you gain more income by going to college than you would if didn’t go. To start with, you can earn more money by getting a college education. As the article mentions, "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2010, the median earning for someone with some college but no degree were $712, compared to $1038 for a college graduate" (page 87). That creates an even bigger divide for those with less education with about $17,000 over the course of one year. To also add, you can attain a better job with excellent benefits. The article states that in 2010, unemployment rate was 9.2 percent if you only had some college education, 10 percent if you only had a high school degree, however it is only 5.4 percent if you were a college graduate (page 87). This creates an even bigger divide between the two. Along with that, their …show more content…

If you were a child who came from a low-income family, you were going to make more than if a wealthy person's child didn't go to college. According to the article, "Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution found that without a college degree, only 14 percent of Americans from the bottom fifth of parental income reach the top two-fifths. but if they completed college, 41 percent of this same group can then expect to make it to the top" (page 87). Haskin also showed in his data the "extent to which debates like this are a luxury of the privileged," because their children enjoy a safety net and their risks are different (page 87). As it's said, it is odd to talk down about going to college, because it is one of the most effective social mobility

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