Pros And Cons Of Being An Autistic Child

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Every parent can talk about the different struggles of raising children. The stress, worry, sleepless nights, screaming toddlers, and much more. The different joys and woes of parenthood are often compared and discussed. Some parents face much greater difficulties while raising their children. Parents of autistic children are often under a great deal of more stress than the parents of a typical child due to their children’s specialized needs. One of the most noticeable reasons the parent of an autistic child is under more stress than a typical child’s parent is the social issues the autistic child goes through. In most cases autistic children do not do well with other children at a young age because of things like sensory overload. When the autistic child gets overwhelmed they immediately want to escape whatever is making them feel …show more content…

It pains her that I kicked like a wild animal when I was a baby and that I had to use to squeeze machine to get the …show more content…

Food, clothes, medicine, etc. are typical bills everyone with a child must cover. For a parent of an autistic child, there are more specific needs that turn into bills such as more medication and visits to specialized doctors, and therapist that many autistic children need. One of the biggest financial needs for autistic children is special education, which often times mean a non-public school that caters to the needs of autism, but for a large amount of money. Cammie McGovern wrote in her article for the New York Times that “Having an autistic child is estimated to cost a family $10,000 to $50,000 a year in out-of-pocket expenses for medical treatment, therapy, and education.”. This can cause a family to struggle drastically, adding more and more stress to the parents to find a way to make sure their child gets what they

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