Autism In A Family Essay

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Autism is an intricate developmental disorder that is characteristically noticed by parents and or diagnosed by parents between the ages of eight-teen months and three years of age. In recent studies, Werner (2001) isolated themes from in-depth interviews conducted with different parents of children with autism. These themes included the following findings: the family’s life revolves around dealing with the child’s autism and unusual behaviors; parents feel losses because they and their children cannot lead a so called normal life; and the family experiences only fleeting moments of actually feeling like a typical family. Autism does not effect a particular type of person it occurs in all social, racial, and ethnic groups.

Effects of Autism within a Family
What is a normal family? What would you do if your child seems as if they are developing at a normal pace and then all of a sudden just stops and regresses back to before he or she could walk or talk? Do you think you have what it takes to raise a child with autism? Families of children with autism start to face challenges that set them apart from other families from day one of noticing something is not quite right with their child. When a family first finds out that their child is autistic it is very overwhelming emotionally. Not only is it emotionally overwhelming add some stress to the intense one on one therapy sessions at home and on site, trying to keep focused on other issues outside of the home like a career, and many more issues that arise when given the gift of a child with autism. When a family has a child with autism, the family's life changes (Luther, Canham & Cureton, 2005). While all these issues might be overwhelming for the rest of the ...

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... he or she needs to be able to lead somewhat of a normal life.
Being able to face the emotional, physical, and financial impacts of having a child with autism will help a family become more confident and enjoy seeing their child progress throughout life and try to live as close to normal life as possible. Once it is all said and done, getting past the stressors and hurdles a family must face when dealt the hand they were dealt challenges them to become one as a family but also helps strengthen their family from the inside out. Therefore here are those three little questions to sit back and ponder...What is a normal family? What would you do if your child seems as if they are developing at a normal pace and then all of a sudden just stops and regresses back to before he or she could walk or talk? Do you think you have what it takes to raise a child with autism?

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