Case Study of a Child with Autism

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Case Study of a Child with Autism John, An only child, was born after normal pregnancy and delivery. As an infant, he was easy to breast-feed, the transition to solid foods posed no difficulties, and he also slept well. At first, his mother and farther were delighted at how easy he was: he seemed happy and content to lie in his cot for hours. He sat unsupported at six months (this is with in the normal range), and soon after he crawled energetically. His parents considered him to be independent and wilful. However, his grandmother was puzzled by his independence. To her mind, he showed an undue preference for his won company: it was as if he lacked interest in people. John walked on his first birthday, much to the delight of his parents; yet during his second year he did not progress as well as expected. Although he made sounds, he did not use words indeed, his ability to communicate was so limited that even when he was three years old his mother still found her self trying to guess what he wanted. Often she tried giving him a drink or some food in the hope that she had guessed his needs correctly. Occasionally he would grab hold of her wrist and drag her to the sink, yet he never said anything like drink, or he would just point to the tap.[IMAGE] This was obviously a source of concern in itself: but at about this time his parents became concerned about the extreme of his independence. For example, even if he fell down, he would not come to his parents to show them he had hurt him self. At times they even felt he was uninterested in them, because he never became upset when his mother had to go out and leave him with a friend or relative. In fact, he seemed to be more interested in playing with his bricks than spending time with people. He made long straight lines of bricks over and over again.

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