Pros And Cons Of Being An Athletic Director

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One position in sport that has always caught my attention is being an athletic director. The reason why is that ever since high school, I have known that being an athletic director means that you are in charge of the athletic department. I will introduce four articles that will talk about not only the responsibilities of being an athletic director, but will show you some problems you may face being an athletic director. I will briefly introduce each article then in the analysis section I will discuss each one. I want to provide the research and knowledge necessary to give an understanding of what it takes to be an athletic director.
In the first article “Distributive Justice in Intercollegiate Athletics: Perceptions of Athletic Directors and Athletic Board Chairs”, Harold Reimer, Daniel Mahony and Mary Hums, discusses how people think of an athletic director. The second article “Systemic …show more content…

“In the present study, the author evaluated this contention among 245 male intercollegiate athletic directors by assessing the combined influence of leadership style and program goals on occupational stress”(Ryska,2000). The psychological demands for the athletic director position have increased by a big margin over the past twenty years. People in these positions often see symptoms such as burnout, fatigue, aggression, low productivity, and physical withdraws. In the article the study they did had two hundred fifty male participants. Each got a questionnaire packet that they filled out. The results from the study were that they found directive style administrators low stress in job situations. The conclusion from the article was that if stress is there it tends to cause blockage to the goals these administrators try to achieve. From this article you go to see how stress affects athletic

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