Prometheus In Ayn Rand's Anthem Analysis

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Everyone in the world has met someone with some level of ego, and they always think of them as a “bad” person. But is being an egoist such a bad thing? The thing about having an ego is that it sets people apart from everyone else, it’s what makes them an individual. The author of Anthem, Ayn Rand, believes that in order for there to be some sort of progress in a society there has to ego involved. In the society that Prometheus lived in Anthem, there are people living with no type of ego and they have no type of personality. In history, there has been inventors and scientists creating different things, some might of gotten punished or beaten down because of it, and yet without their achievements life would probably be like living in Anthem. All of those achievements were created because of their ego. Something drove them to do it, and yet many of the things people depend on are the things they created. In the novel, Prometheus was an egoist, and although many people today would portray that negatively, he was a good person. …show more content…

Prometheus stood against all the laws that the society had and was able to hold on to his mind rather than let it be brainwashed. He had done what he wanted, even if it was against the law, and by doing that it broke him free from the collectivism and allowed others to do so. When he was finally free of it all, he dreamed of a world where everyone could be free. “And the day will come when I shall break all the chains of the earth, and raze the cities of the enslaved, and my home will become the capital of a world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake”(Rand 104). He wants the world to be able to be an individual and for everyone to have ego. He wants to stop collectivism in the world and for people to live as their own

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