Equality 7-2521 Character Analysis

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The natural desire of Equality 7-2521 is knowledge who is born with a curse of uniqueness. He abides within the walls of a collectivist society. The citizens of this society prioritize the good of society over the welfare of the individual. In the beginning of the novel, Equality confesses that “[He] have broken the laws. The laws say that men may not write unless the Council of Vocations bid them so” (Anthem 17). Equality is asking for forgiveness and proves this by quoting “[I] strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike” (Anthem 19). Through Equality’s journey of self-discovery, he gradually starts changing his mind on how he perceives of how critical the Council truly is. He begins rebelling without a care and denounces …show more content…

In Anthem, Equality creates a light box that he describes as ¨a box of glass, devised to give forth the power of the sky of greater strength than [I] had ever achieved before¨ (Anthem 59). He accomplishes this by using his gift of knowledge. Unfortunately, Equality knows that the light box that he has created with his sinful ability is a transgression by stating, “This is a great sin, to be born with a head which is too quick” (Anthem 21). “[Equality] fought against this curse” (Rand 21) and wishes to be like his brothers. In order for Equality to carry out that goal, “[He] tried to forget [their] lessons, but [he] always remembered” (Anthem …show more content…

He is positive that with his quick brain he can uncover the Unmentionable Times and live the way they should have all along. His thoughts are identical to Ayn Rand advice in her short essay “How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society?” since he is the one to lead a rational life in Anthem. In a house that belongs to the Unmentionable Times holds Prometheus, a new name that Equality has given himself, meaning a god who took the light of the gods and brought it to men and taught men to also be gods. Within those walls, he plans to be like Prometheus that the books state: Taking the light to men and teach them how to live a rational

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