Princess Diana Research Paper

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Ahmad Khan January 20, 2017 Period 6 Princess Diana Leader, social supporter, and humanitarian, these were all traits that helped Princess Diana …show more content…

Diana is noted for two major contributions to humanitarianism and she was the president or patron of over 100 charities. Diana’s work with land mines and work on behalf of Aids patients was noted in many telling photographs. Diana donated a lot financially, perhaps her biggest contribution to AIDS charity work was her public persona. Many people believed that AIDS was contagious through casual contact. Diana, however was one of the first celebrities to touch Hiv/Aids patients and removed the stigma associated with AIDS. She visited African Aids patients and the charity work of Princess Diana also supported the work of the National Aids Trust. By supporting the causes of AIDS, she is credited as beginning the public conversation about AIDS as an epidemic (Delp). Other than AIDS, Princess Diana has done charity work for organizations such as Land Mines, Centrepoint, The English National Ballet, and The Leprosy Mission. On January 15, 1997, Princess Diana earned public criticism and praise as the world saw pictures and videos of the Princess touring landmine fields. She was concerned over the use of landmines mainly because of the people it injured. Another organization Diana supported was Centrepoint, an organization that helps homeless youth and teens by getting them off the streets. After Diana’s death, her son Prince William carried forth her good-doings by volunteering his time and money to support said organization. The English National Ballet was an organization Diana aided given her interest in the art of dancing. Diana became a patron of The Leprosy Mission for visual compassion for those kids who were afflicted and hurting, The Leprosy Mission is an organization that provides medicine and treatment for those who are afflicted with disease.

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