Postpartum Depression Essay

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PPD sometimes known as Postpartum disorder or Postpartum depression; affects roughly 9 to 80% of women after child birth. PPD can normally arise with in four weeks after giving birth and it can even happen subsequently much later in the same year. Men were found to also be a target to get this depression if they had significant others who would be expected mothers or already had the child. This dejection could even occur throughout pregnancy. It is very troublesome to properly diagnose PPD in mothers because often the signs are very similar to any mother who just given birth. These include alteration of sleep pattern, complete exhaustion, and lack of hunger. Thus with the help of researchers and psychologist we can look into it more meticulously and uncover these signs and issues. “ Psychoanalytic ideology played a significant role in the obliteration of mothers as persons. ” (Held, L., & Rutherford, A.History of Psychology). Being that it was often the norm to assume that mothers would be happy giving life to the new generation; it left those depressed mothers out. Mothers were often expected to be happy and nurturing and forgetting that they were actual people first with human emotions put on the back burner. Those mothers often felt like they were put into the bad mother category not being aware that it was biological factors as to why they were experiencing these negative emotions towards their child or even husband. First biological factor would result in hormone levels. Hormone levels often decline promptly after childbirth and result in mood swings. Endocrine is the main hormone that is found during PPD. Then making PPD determined an ailment that needed to be treated. Although it is s... ... middle of paper ... ...Also PPD can cause mothers to be anti-social and avoid social gatherings. Not only feeling detached from their child and significant other, mothers often don’t want to be around anyone. Overcome with depression they see no purpose on going to outings and socializing because of the guilt they have. “ Still another cause of social isolation is this: Given that a new mother is supposed to feel simply elated, fully competent, and even calm, many women are mortified for anyone to find out about these ‘inappropriate, unmotherly’feelings.” (Caplan, 2013) Many women will avoid being around friends and family because they do not want to be judged if they do not show that they are ecstatic of their new baby. They begin to feel ashamed because they wonder why the are not overcome with joy of this new born. Many mothers who have PPD will avoid people as a result.

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