Poor Eating Habits Essay

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In today's society, poor nutritional habits are important for our overall health. It is especially a concern for college students, as they start to be an adult living on their own for the first time. Having freedom and living independently can affect one eating habit. As a responsible college student they have there own responsibility in choosing what to eat. College students can choose to eat unhealthy or healthy which can benefit them or affect there overall health. The health behaviors one choses in early life can often may continue to adult hood. Poor eating habits throughout life can lead to long term health problems which are chronic diseases, heart disease, stroke, and many cancers (ECT). "In the journal College Students' Barriers and Enablers for Healthful Weight Management A Qualitative Study" shows the majority of college students do not know or do not choose or care to follow healthy behavior guidelines. One example in the study shows eight universities in United States, which are Michigan State University, Pennsylvania State University, South Dakota State University, Syracuse University, Tuskegee University,University of Maine,University of RhodeIsland,and University of Wisconsin–Madison) only 5.7% of college students reported eating five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables. (Greaney, et al., 2009) Though there is concern about college students and their health behaviors, some research shows students living off campus actually have a higher risk for unhealthy behaviors. A research study by professors in North Dakota State University, states students who lived off campus were shown to have less nutrition in dairy ,fruits, and vegetables than students living on campus and who purchased a meal plan. Stude...

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...and variety of grains. As stated in the beginning study by North Dakota State University, "students who lived off campus had increased health risks having a BMI at the overweight and obesity levels, smoking, consuming alcohol, and consuming less variety of fruits and vegetables, and dairy products." (Brunt & Rhee, 2008) Two other studies, which focus on groups and identified the effect of healthy weight maintenance in college men, "College Students' Barriers and Enablers for Healthful Weight Management A Qualitative Study", to consume fresh and healthy foods. Students who lived off campus reported high prices, food spoilage for preparation to proper fruit and vegetable consumption. Other students include poor accessibility, lack of transportation, and personal preferences. Many students, leaving home, felt unable to prepare healthy foods while living at home.

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