Poem Analysis: It's Hard To Forget '

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It’s Hard To Forget
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall”
Psalms 40:29,30
A couple of years ago an engineer received a call from a friend who happened to be a welder. It turned out the welder had put together a highly unusual bike and wondered if his friend would be interested in trying it. The thing that allocated this bike apart as unusual was the way it steered. Essentially the bicycle steered backwards. For example, if the handlebars were turned to the left the bike would automatically veer to the right. They called it the backwards bike.
However, the engineer imagined riding the bike would be fairly easy. Almost as effortless as riding a normal bike would be. But when the over-confident engineer attempted to ride the bike, he found it much harder than he had expected. One of the main reasons that he found riding the backwards bike so hard was the fact that, when he was young, the engineer had learned how to ride a normal bike. After years and years of riding a normal bike he was so used to it that it made the backwards bike seem nearly impossible to ride. The engineer finally mastered …show more content…

We can gain hope in the verse “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” Psalms 40:29. Another verse that can encourage us is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Even though we may feel quite little and powerless, all we must do is ask Christ for help and we will be able to “do all things through Christ”. This includes overcoming sin that we as humans don’t have the power to overcome by ourselves. I don’t know about you, but this makes me extremely thankful for our God who cares for us and is willing to use His strength to save

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