Did I Miss Anything Poem Analysis

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Did I Miss Anything? By Tom Wayman Did I Miss Anything? is a poem written by a Canadian poet and academic Tom Wayman. Being a teacher, he creates a piece of literature, where he considers the answers given by a teacher on one and the same question asked by a student, who frequently misses a class. So, there are two speakers present in it – a teacher and a student. The first one is fully presented in the poem and the second one exists only in the title of it. The speakers immediately place the reader in the appropriate setting, where the actions of a poem take place – a regular classroom. Moreover, the speakers unfolds the main theme of the poem – a hardship of being a teacher, the importance of education and laziness, indifference and careless attitudes of a student towards studying. The tone of Did I Miss Anything? can be defined as sarcastic and mocking. The teacher gives two variants of answers on the question – one serious beginning with “Everything.” and the other one sarcastic beginning with “Nothing.” The serious one are what the teacher really feels about his subject, preparation for it and his reaction on students being truant. The sarcastic answers are the things the students want to hear, when …show more content…

In addition, the poem has a climax. The stanzas are arranged in such a way that help to increase the importance within each line. The poet starts with talking about the lesson as an inconsiderable one and ends the poem with such strong words: “This is not the only place such an opportunity has been gathered but it was one place. And you weren’t here.” (Wayman, 38) The poem has no rhyme and is written in prose that brings it closer to an ordinary speech. Somehow, the poem can be seen in a form of a dialogue between a teacher and a

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