Piracy Essay

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High Level Conference on Piracy and Counterfeiting purpose is firstly aims to raise awareness of the dangers to health and safety, as well as the actual cost of buying counterfeit and illegal downloading material from the Internet. Secondly it is also about developing a strategy to fight the thieves who cause more damage and more to business, industry and consumers every day.
Piracy is the internationally recognized word to describe this type of theft. Dealing with piracy and there about such downloaders putting their hands in the pockets of Europe’s creative writers, musicians and performers and stealing their copyright income, for example, not to speak of the quantity of fake and often dangerous medicines and drugs on the market. Today the production of counterfeit and pirated products is carried out on an industrial scale.
Through innovation, high quality design and production, along with effective branding, European companies have an advantage - the ability to sell products at a premium price. Europe makes it, fake it then east is how much business would phrase it. This is about ...

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