Phenomenon In Change Blindness

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The Phenomenon in Change Blindness: The Dangers in Society
Change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon where people may have trouble noticing small or large differences in a scene right in front of them. Just because someone glances at an image doesn’t mean that they have truly seen what is there. One must always focus to detect certain differences in one’s atmosphere in a quicker manner than the average person. It is more likely to notice a difference in artwork that you are familiar with, rather than a difference on an unknown piece of artwork. Why does this happen? Repetition helps the brain learn quicker, therefor helping one detect differences between things that they have previously seen before. Time and repetition could be very similar. Although, repetition of flickering pictures that you are seeing for the first time may trick the brain into thinking they are the same. How long does it take the brain to learn the difference …show more content…

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