Pettegrew: The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit

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Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. “The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is the Cinderella of Christian doctrines… Christian people are not in doubt as to the work that Christ did; they know that He redeemed men by his atoning death, even if they differ among themselves as to what exactly this involved (Pettegrew 15.)” When it comes to understanding the Holy Spirit, none of us will ever fully understand or comprehend it. Pettegrew explains the dangers of superficial study when it comes to the Holy Spirit Pettegrew explains that “…even for us who live in a time when the Holy Spirit seems to be the most popular member of the trinity. Of course we must discipline ourselves to study to study this important doctrine with the utmost care (Pettegrew 16).” …show more content…

Matthew twenty-eight is the first time the “Trinity” is talked about as a whole, combining the three as one person, The Godhead. “The Holy Spirit should not be thought of as merely the power of God or the presence of God, but is, like the Father and the Son, a distinct person within the eternal Trinity. This is the implication of verses that speak of the Holy Spirit as distinct from the Father and the Son …show more content…

Therefore Paul can speak of ‘the fellowship of the Holy Spirit’. And he emphasizes that differing spiritual gifts are intended to draw us together in the body of Christ, for they are given ‘for the common good’, and the church is like a body that has many different parts with different functions, but it remains ‘one body’ and the differing parts of the body need each other (Grudem).’” As one body, under the Godhed, three in one, we are unified as

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