Persuasive Speech On Problem Solving Problems

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We 're defined by the size of problems we go up against, so to do well in the business environment, each of us must constantly develop our problem-solving ability. We must build our problem-solving muscles the same way someone works out in the gym. The way to get stronger is to push against heavier weights, and the way to get better at solving problems is to solve more and bigger problems. First off, when you 're faced with a problem, go on a fact-finding mission. Gather evidence. Look at things from all sides. Dig. Unearth things so you can understand the entire context and history of a problem. Forget about assigning blame or fault; that kind of garbage is irrelevant, founded upon a defective mentality where one must play office politics …show more content…

The buck stops with you. I urge you to take this attitude to heart. If something goes wrong, apologize, make amends, and prevent it from happening again by creating a systematic solution. Assigning blame only adds an emotional element to a negative situation. Just get to the bottom of things, fix them, and keep on trucking; don 't waste time and energy on hysterics or drama. If something isn 't working, what can you do to wrap a systematic solution around it to fix it? What kinds of systems have you implemented to solve your top frustrations? After you gather your facts, examine them closely, from every perspective. Discover what the evidence says, and identify what each person has to gain or lose from their perspective. You must go into the situation with your eyes wide open. Look at their internal biases and prejudices; figure out what the payoff is for a person to behave the way they do. There has to be some benefit for them to act as they …show more content…

On the other hand, pretending or hoping or wishing there were no more problems is a delusional reality strategy. There are problems. There will always be problems. Therefore, it behooves us to become master problem solvers. In fact, the bigger the problems you can solve in the marketplace, the more money you can make. You 've got the cure for cancer? Cancer is a gargantuan problem. If you solve it, you 'll save millions of lives...and you 'll become a mega-billionaire almost instantly. The degree of the problem you solve is the degree to which you make money. Think about it. The cashier at McDonald 's isn 't solving a big problem, and he 's pretty interchangeable. Now, suppose you 've got a Dog the Bounty Hunter type...only he thinks he can track down and smoke Osama Bin Laden. If he does, and can prove it, he can pocket $20 million courtesy of the U.S. government. It 's a big problem for them, and it 's one they haven 't been able to solve. Whoever does solve it gets to feast on the

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