Persuasive Essay: The Aspects Of Training A Dog Training

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Many people believe that dog training is hard. Many also believe that some dogs are simply not trainable. Both of these views are wrong. The truth of the matter is this: all dogs are trainable, and training a dog doesn't have to be hard work. Indeed, training a dog can be fun. It is of course true that some dog breeds are easier to train than others. What we disagree with, however, is the assertion that there are dogs which can't be trained - because that is so untrue. What we venture to explore then, are some of the things you need to do, in order to get the training of your dog right.

Parameters for gauging success

You'll be deemed to have gotten the training of your dog right if you manage to pass on the essential dog skills to your pooch …show more content…

This means that the commonly held belief that puppies below six months of age shouldn't be trained is altogether wrong. In fact, there are some skills you'll find hard to teach to a dog that is older than six months. It is worth noting that unlike us humans, dogs are (in some ways) highly evolved animals - whose life skills learning process starts the moment they are born. That is why a puppy that loses his mother at three months of age may be able to survive in the wild, whereas it would be very hard for a human baby who lost his mother at the same age to survive on his or her own in a similar environment.

Now the best time to start training a dog would be when he or she is learning basic life skills, so that the skills you want to pass on to him or her are also adopted alongside those basic canine life skills. That way, the required behaviors would be part of the dog's personality. They would be more deeply ingrained in him or her. This is not to say an older dog can't be trained. It is just that you'd have a harder time (and less fun) training the older …show more content…

If the dog keeps on doing things like running to the road or messing up neighbors stuff, you'd be better advised to find ways of restraining his movements, rather than hitting him.

Patience as a key to success in the training of dogs

You won't be successful in dog training unless you are patient. You have to keep it in mind that it takes dogs some time to pick ideas that seem too simple to us as humans. There are people who have this misconception that you can only be successful in dog training if you are 'tough.' On the contrary, this is one of those endeavors where kindness and the 'soft approach' seem to work better than the tough Spartan approach to training.

Persistence as a key to success in the training of dogs

Closely related to patience (as a key to success in dog training) is persistence. You won't be successful as a dog trainer if you give up too easily - that is, like where you illustrate a desired behavior to a dog, and then give up if the dog fails to pick it up immediately. The truth of the matter is that you have to illustrate a desire behavior to a dog several times, whilst using the necessary reinforcements, till the dog eventually comes to learn what is expected of him or

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