Persuasive Essay On Why People Should Wear Braces

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Once you get your braces on, you are on your way to a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. In order to be sure you braces work fast and properly, you need to follow a strict care regimen. More and more adults are getting braces for the smile they always wanted, but most people get braces when they are teenagers, and the results last for the rest of their lives.

Braces take time to work. Depending on the problem, they may take from six months to two or three years. During that time, you need to be very careful what you eat in order not to break brackets and wires that will make the treatment even longer.

Chewing ice is certainly not advised while you are wearing braces, but there are other hard and sticky foods you should avoid. Some of the most common foods to avoid are:

• Popcorn
• Nuts
• Hard candy
• Corn chips and pretzels
…show more content…

These things can seriously damage you braces and require extra appointments with your orthodontist for repairs.

Along with caring for your braces, you need to care for your teeth during the months you wear braces. They can cause tooth damage if proper care is not taken. Since they attract and hold food, people who wear braces have more bacteria in their mouths, which can weaken tooth enamel, cause tooth decay and gum disease. The good news is, if you take proper care of your braces, none of this will happen and you will be pleased with the results when you finally get your braces removed.

Brushing and flossing are the two most important things you can do to care for your teeth while you are wearing braces. It will take more time than you are used to, but it will be well worth the effort. Bacteria that form in the tiny spaces around your brackets and wires can cause major damage to your

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