Persuasive Essay On Seat Belts

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Seat belts. They're pretty simple, just a strap (likely made of something simple like polyester) that covers your torso and lap in a car/truck. Their purpose is to keep you safe, but how safe can they really keep you?

From a young age we're buckled into place with these, and when we can do it ourselves, constantly reminded to put them on. Some kids even go through phases of not wearing seat belts, be it to be defiant, or simply because clipping them into place is an 'inconvenience' for them. Even adults can be seen skipping over clicking themselves into place, its so likely that laws were put into place to enforce the use of seat belts.

In Drivers Education we're shown practically horror movies of what will happen if you don't buckle up, …show more content…

Your mom, your friend, a teacher, even a police officer, but you can always brush that off. You can acknowledge how serious things could change without one, and you can even acknowledge that you're breaking a law by not wearing one, and still not wear it. You can tell yourself it won't matter, that nothing is going to happen, that you'll be fine, but they're there for a reason. Seat belts really do matter.

So, how safe can they really keep you? Very. They can make a life or death difference, not just in my own experience, but to many others in the world. A seatbelt can mean being kept in place rather than flying around inside a car, it can mean keeping you inside a vehicle, it can mean walking, or not walking. Seat belts, though incredibly small, flimsy, and forgettable, can help to shape how your life can turn out should something traumatic happen to you.

The next time you get in your car, please buckle up. For me, for someone who can tell you first hand, that they can really make a difference. For your parents, your siblings, your pets, your children, all of your loved ones. Take an extra 10 seconds of your time to secure your seat belt. That extra time could mean you coming home again, or you not coming home

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